A Step by Step Plan to Romance Your Wife on Valentine's Day
0 comments Posted by Althauser at 4:50 PMDo you and your friends often ask each other, what you can do to make your marriage last? To make it last and to make it better, isn't all that difficult. You must want it to last and remember the Golden Rule. Do not treat or speak to your spouse in a way you would not enjoy. Next, must come the surprises. Not a card and candy on Valentine's Day, it is boring, expected and mundane. Besides, you have sent flowers many times, even to where she works; her co-workers knows that someone cares and she get "bragging rights". Women love bragging rights.
You have also left unexpected messages after a tough day. Or, just doing some chores you don't usually do, without being asked. You consistently give compliments and reassurance too, and not just when you "want something". You are known for a surprise dinner or breakfast; whether you cook it or go out. You make time just for yourselves and communicate. Flowers or a card for no reason, are given and sent. You will pick up the dry cleaning or the kids when it's not your turn. You are the type of man who will do the unexpected to remind yourself why you fell in love in the first place. You know it will only get stale if you let it.
It's Valentine's Day 2007 and you really want to 'knock her footies' off! Here's an idea. It will take some planning but you are up for it. It will make your sweetheart feel loved and appreciated for months, even years to come.
Here's a step by step plan for a Valentine's Day neither of you will ever forget!
1. Call the office and arrange to have the day off for her. Tell them she's likely to come to work for a few hours but do not mention anything to her. You are to take the day off, too. Have your calls sent to your mobile because she's going to call you for sure! 2. Arrange a sleepover for the kids that night. But more on that later. If no kids, disregard everything relating to the kids from here forward.
3. Call to have a cleaning service clean the house. Tell them to arrive promptly at 8:30AM. You'll be home while someone is there.
4. Call and hire a limousine for the day. The driver is to be her chauffeur, bodyguard and personal attendant for the day! Fax or email them the day's itinerary. Request fresh fruit, chilled San Pellegrino and sparkling cider with 8 champagne flutes be available. Order at least 4 bottles of the water and 2 of the sparkling cider.
5. Call a florist an order two-dozen red and one-dozen yellow roses. Have the red roses picked up by the limo driver.
The driver will deliver red roses to her at work when he picks her up.
The yellow ones will be delivered to you home.
And the other red roses will be picked up by the driver before getting you.
You are to go to the Jewelers (something sparkly), Victoria's Secret (sexy lingerie and a bathrobe, each wrapped separately) and her favorite boutique in the Mall (something semi-formal and sexy) at least a week before Valentine's Day and select the items of your choice for her.
Have them gift-wrapped.
Request a long stem red rose be given to her when she arrives at each store, with a love note that you have written.
They'll do this for you just ask! Remember to tip them handsomely! Your note tells her of your love and instructions not to open each gift until she receives a note to do so.
Also, buy a box of Godiva chocolate for the kids from the two of you; and for her, from the kids. If no kids, give it her from you.
Take the kids to buy Mom's card the weekend before Valentine's Day. Don't tell them about the other surprises. There's something for them, too.
6. Call a Day Spa and arrange a manicure, pedicure, cut & shampoo, massage, facial and makeover. Have a single long stem red rose given to her as she signs in at the desk. Set this up for 12:00PM. Instruct them to give her the one-hour massage first followed by lunch, which is being brought in, then the manicure and pedicure, the cut & shampoo, facial and makeover.
7. Call a Personal Chef and arrange to have dinner prepared and served at your home promptly at 6:00PM. Have him prepare her favorite entrée and dinner, dessert and bottle of wine or San Pellegrino if she doesn't drink. You will meet and interview the chef before 'the day' and be there to let him in to help you work your magic. Have the chef prepare a light lunch for her also and have it delivered to the Day Spa at 1:00PM.
Items #1 through #7 are arranged at least two weeks in advance. It's Valentine's Day and here is how it all unfolds:
05:30AM You get up half hour earlier and serve your wife breakfast in bed. This and having the kids bring their cards to her will be the only unusual thing taking place that morning. Don't forget to give her your card, too. Get everyone out on time and you return home after you are certain she has left.
08:30AM Cleaning lady arrives.
10:00AM Limo driver picks up red roses from florist.
10:30AM Limo driver picks up your sweetheart from work, taking her roses and a card. He goes inside and asks for her. He escorts her to limo and whisks her off to the beginning of a most memorable day arranged by you!
11:00AM Wife arrives at the Mall. Limo driver takes her to Geiss and Son's Jewelers where she receives a long-stem red rose, a wrapped gift and note from you expressing your love and instructions not to open gift until later.
She is escorted to Victoria's Secret and receives the same as above.
She is then escorted to Cachet's and receives the same as above.
11:30AM Wife is back in the limo and beside herself with glee! She's called you, how many times by now?
12:00PM Wife arrives at the Day Spa. She receives a long-stem red rose with a card from you. This card tells her to open the box marked, "open me now" from Victoria's Secret. She unwraps a lovely bathrobe for her luxurious afternoon at the spa. They will carry out your wishes as given to them. The pampering begins with a deep tissue massage.
01:00PM Wife is enjoying lunch at the spa in her new bathrobe. (She's in a private room. Don't be alarmed!)
01:30PM The pampering continues . . .(manicure, pedicure, cut & shampoo, facial and makeover) Meanwhile . . .
Your house has been cleaned and the cleaning lady's gone.
The yellow roses have been delivered by the florist.
Your dark suit, white shirt and burgundy tie have been ready for this day! (You're looking GQ or Brooks Brothers-like, for sure!)
The driver will pick up the red roses before picking you up from your house.
You've packed the kid's overnight duffle bags, not forgetting their school clothes for the next school day or the Godiva chocolates.
02:00PM Personal Chef arrives and begins his preparations.
03:00PM You are picked up by the driver from your home; bringing the roses, chocolates and duffle bags with you. The chef is left to help make this a magical day for your sweetheart.
03:30PM Kids are picked up from school and taken for an excursion in the limo! Give each of them the chocolate with their Valentine's Day card. Fill them in on Mom's day! Enjoy sparkling cider in champagne flutes with them. Make a toast! See the city as a tourist or let the kids show off for their friends!
04:30PM You and the kids arrive at the Day Spa. All of you go inside with roses and chocolate in hand, to get Mom. She's radiant in the jewelry and dress you selected for her! You and the kids escort Mom to the limo.
05:15PM Make another toast with the family as the kids are driven to where they will spend the night.
06:00PM You and your wife arrive to your home promptly. The driver is tipped handsomely and leaves.
You and she enter your home, candlelight and a path of rose petals make a trail to the dining room and your bedroom. (You know how to keep the home fires burning! You only wanted a suggestion for an extra special Valentine's Day 2007!) Go, you! A very romantic touch! (You had these delivered with the yellow roses to your home.)
Soft music is playing. The chef takes the roses and packages from her as you take her to the family room for a slow dance. You share a kiss.
You escort her to the dining room and is served a romantic, scrumptious candlelight dinner and dessert.
You're wondering how she looks in that sexy underwear and lingerie.
I guess it is time to dismiss the chef and me. Before I leave, I know you want to thank me for giving you a 'sweetheart' of a plan. She's the most beautiful girl in the world to you. You love her with your heart, mind, body and soul. You would be this extravagant every day but you know it is not necessary. She loves and accepts you without all the fanfare. But . . . you will have added not only to her bragging rights but to her thanks to God, yet again, for the best husband and father in the world! Keep Him and each other first and it will last. You can tell her where the idea came or not. It can be our secret. Do you wonder how you'll top this next year? Ask me, I would love to help!
Note: This plan can be adapted for a stay-at-home Mom or retired wife, any day of the year and from a wife to her husband, very easily.
Labels: Romance, Valentines