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OHK we are still on with Taylor's POV.. Hope u like it !! Vote && comment [[ u know i luhv that !! ]] ha ha !! have a good dayyyy ________________________________ It wasnt that I did not believe I had a crush on Natalia. She is [[PERFECT]].. so sweet and totally not like [[OMG !! its TAYLOR !!]] .. I mean how many people are like that around me anymore. She makes me feel as though i have known her for YEARS !! I love being around her. She does not treat me like [[Royalty]] .. She is true to herself as she is to me.. But the thing now is WHAT SHOULD I DO?? I am [[CLUELESS]].. This rarely happens and now as i was staring at her i knew there was something [[ I HAD TO DO !! ]] AS Much as i did not want to ,, I left a shrug for Natalia to keep her warm and stepped out of my Trailer. I was wandering around set when i spotted [[ JUST]] the person i wanted to talk to. I went over and tapped her shoulder **Hey Tay whats up ??** Was the sweet greeting i got. Ashley was one person who i went to with all my problems. She surely was tiny like a pixie but had an EQ that went through the roof. ** Hey Ash .. I Needed Your help .. Uhm...** i dint know how to say. You could say i was [[TONGUE TIED]] **BOY!! Tay u at a loss of words ?? THATS A FIRST ** she mused !! ** Well Actually Ash YEAH !! Its not often someone [[TAKES MY BREATH AWAY]] ** i said. ** OH TAY [[ FAKING A BLUSH ]] AM i looking that good ??** she said and started laughing. I joined in with her but soon it was back to me ...

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